About Us

As the rain drops trickle down our faces when we ride in the rain, the fear of wet roads, puddles, invisible pot holes submerged under the puddle and poor traction scares many. We continue to ride because the satisfaction of doing it makes us feel alive.
It is this attitude of seeking adventure that drives us to create Another New Haute. 16 years being active in the peleton, Another New Haute has its humble beginnings in the heartlands of Singapore with a renewed vision.
Another New Haute was created as an emporium for cycling fans curated by cycling fans to provide a space where they could experience the culture and joys of cycling. This is a place where cyclist can share their passion, experience and spark mutual inspirations to push themselves to further enjoy cycling.
With brands such as Albion, Zipp, Silca and Corima, accented with our pop up spirit, this is the sole place in Singapore dedicated to cycling enthusiasts.
Another New Haute opens its doors to you, Another adventure awaits you in your next ride.